In Manitoba, at least 382 residents and staff have been infected with COVID-19 at Revera homes, including Parkview Place and Maples. At least 69 residents have died. This is unacceptable. There is no room for profit in long-term care.

On December 2, we partnered with the Public Service Alliance of Canada - Prairies Region to host a webinar on this timely issue. Attendees of the 'Make Revera Public Townhall' heard directly from the lived experiences of those who have lost loved ones in Revera homes and first hand frontline health care workers detailing of the conditions at Revera.

Canadians have experienced the devastating consequences of for-profit providers in long-term care. We can and must make sure the proper changes are made to how we care for older adults so this crisis never happens again. This includes getting private, for-profit providers out of long-term care. 


Send the federal government a letter today to make Revera public

Call you MP! Ask them what they are doing to bring all privately-owned, for-profit long-term care facilities where they belong – into public ownership and operation.

We can do more to fix seniors' care at a provincial level. Send an email to your MLA today. Sign our petition addressing the PCH crisis in Manitoba . Contrary to what Manitoba’s Minister of Health, Cameron Friesen thinks, the deaths in long-term care were and are preventable. 

Older adults, families and front-line health care workers need our government to understand that working conditions in our PCH's are care conditions. We are not powerless in this situation. Decisive action needs to be taken to save lives and protect our residents and frontline health care workers. 

Finally, the pandemic has laid bare the systemic failures in Manitoba to ensure older adults have the necessary resources and supports needed to age with dignity and respect. Now more than ever we need a system that works for all older adults and their families. An Office of the Seniors Advocate would be the first step to make meaningful change for Manitobans and their families. Email your MLA today!

Thank you for taking action! Please share these tools with your family, friends, colleagues and neighbours - anyone you know who cares about personal care homes and long term care system.

#FixSeniorsCareNOW #MakeReveraPublic